Sorry, this feature is temporarily offline, Facebook page ads is updated. Therefore, it does not work properly. Please join our group and wait for the update.
抱歉,暂时下线这个功能,Facebook page ads更新。所以,无法正常工作。请加入我们群组,等待更新。
190429维护完成。如果需要更多数据推荐使用: adspy
190429 maintenance is complete. If you need more data, it is recommended to use: adspy
How to get facebook demo url:
Best Plz login,enter right facebook page info and Ads.
?country=4 :4 is this faceboook post ads in this country
Why use this tool?
After the website is automatically crawled, we can get the real URL of the corresponding advertisement. That is to say, you can see the effect of the delivery of this ad.