
Inquire Month:By default the latest month, you can set for example: 20186
rank:World website ranking
Visits:Estimated number of websites visited per month
TimeOnSite:The average time a user stays on the site, unit: seconds
PagePerVisit:The average number of pages users visit the site
BounceRate:the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page.
IOVisits:(Query month website access data – query the number of website visits one month before month) / query the number of website visits
Search:Website Traffic Sources: Search engines accounted for
Social:Website Traffic Sources: Social engines accounted for
Direct:Website Traffic Sources: Direct engines accounted for
TopSocia:Maximum social trafficThe largest social traffic platform accounts for the proportion of social traffic
TopSocial1:Maximum social
price_avg:The average price of the best selling products, please refer to the corresponding currency for this data;
Country:Countries with the most traffic sources on the website need to check the country code; for example, the United States: 840
Country%:(all traffic, maximum traffic country) / all traffic
currency:shopify store default currency.
Desktop/Mobile:Desktop traffic / mobile traffic(-1:No traffic on the mobile side;-2:data collection error;The greater domain traffic, higher accuracy)

Shopify Data Filtering

In ‘shopify data’, you can add your filter to the bottom of the page.
The conditions are coexisting.
For example: price less than 100, currency USD, country USA, search traffic greater than 30% and less than 50%
You only need to fill in the corresponding data name;
100: , USD , 840 , 0.3::0.5

range:Example: ‘8:’ means: Get more than 8 data; ‘:6’ means: Get less than 6 data; ‘6::8’ means: Get 6 to 8 data.
KeyWord:Example: ‘USD’ means: Get data for USD;’.com’ means: Get data that contains .com

User Query Limit

For visitors who are not registered, part of the query data will not be displayed.
Login users, there is no limit to data query. It is free.
If you are a crawler, the system will automatically limit you.

Update Plan

All shoify store data, automatically updated monthly. Please pay attention to our website for specific update time.
In the future, the personal collection function will be added and the user will analyze the store.
Store specific analysis, such as selling goods, using plug-ins, advertising, etc…